Saturday 26 November 2011

Car boot goodies at Fleming Park

A few weeks back we decided to do a car boot sale at Fleming Park. The beauty of this one is that it is indoors, so ya ain't gonna get wet if it rains - better still, neither are your goodies. It went rather well, considering you don't get a full morning, though you do get about an hour+ to set up, and we needed that hour. We made the mistake of bringing out our usual load: this translates as "fill every available corner in the car with goodies". Unfortunately, with this being an indoor boot, the space allocated to you is rather limited, compared to some of the outdoor ones we have done - this isn't a criticism - the organisers are fantastic and it is a good set up. A sports hall though is somewhat smaller than a large field. We did eventually get all our stuff nearly out on display, thanks to the understanding of the organisers - some of it had to be left in the boxes, so punters would have to rummage. This isn't a bad thing. There is a little pang of pleasure to be had when you have taken the time to rummage to the bottom of a box and found a real treasure, that someone else has missed, because they couldn't be bothered to dig deep. This was a really good day, if somewhat short, compared to the 'crack-of-dawn' boots we have done. Due to the lack of time, it is fast paced, and goodies seem to fly off the shelf a bit quicker, and there is a definite atmos of "FOMO" amongst the punters. Here are some snaps of our disorganised state when we arrived.

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